Thursday, May 7, 2009

x-men origins: wolverine

last night i caught the new xmen movie about wolverine's past. i didn't know what to expect with such mixed reviews about the movie. after watching it, it is actually quite good. there were a lot of things i didn't like but i felt it was quite enjoyable. *spoiler alert* the things i didn't like was deadpool and silverfox. deadpool was made right up until they sowed his mouth and gave him psyclops' powers.. WTF is up with that? its one thing to change the story but to change an entire character is RIDICULOUS. then he has swords coming out of his arms like wolverines claws??? WTF is with that? where do the swords go when they are inside him? if he bends his arms it cuts right through! and how does someone live with his head chopped off? that made no sense whatsoever. and then theres silverfox, overall i loved her but the part i didnt like was how she died. it was super cheesy and just not well planned out. she shouldve died right after they reveal to her that she betrayed wolverine. lastly, i didnt like how wolverine lost his memories. i know he has to but they seriously used the dumbest way to do it. in the comic they messed with his memories while he was getting his adamantium skeleton and while he gets other experiments on him. but i was still entertained and the action was fun to watch. gambit was basically a nothing character that was in there purely because of popular demand. all in all id say go see it if u wanna

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