Monday, May 25, 2009

come with me if you want to live

i wish an extremely good director and writers said that to the terminator franchise for the fourth installment Terminator: Salvation. this film was not a total bust, in fact i enjoyed it a lot. but there were so many things in it i just did not think was necessary. (spoiler alert) the second they introduced that they were fighting the t600 and the t800 was still in development, i think its pretty obvious that the is not going to end in this movie even though all the trailers kept hinting it might. some things i didnt like was that there was not actual WAR going.. only little fights here and there where there is ONE terminator... mmm where are the scenes from t1, t2, and t3 where you see like an army of terminators walking around killing people? why are the humans still using bullets when terminators have laser tech and it seems like in the old movies humans have laser rifles too! not only are they using bullets, but they are just regular bullets.. not even armor piercing. did everyone forget they're fighting metal cyborgs? what is up with terminators wearing clothes? some have shoes! one even had a bandana/turbin thing going on! WTF?! makes no sense. seems the machines know a lot about nearly everything, and what i mean is that how would they know john connor is a big threat to them? hes not a general and not even part of the high chain of command. he's just some platoon leader. according to the other movies, john connor doesnt become a threat until he is the leader of the resistance and then thats where all the movies begin. with that said, somehow they know john connor is special, and SOMEHOW they know kyle reese is his father because the machines somehow KNEW john connor was coming!?! because throughout the whole thing, they were looking for kyle reese and then singled him out w/ all those prisoners. and if they knew kyle reese was some form of key, why didnt they just kill him right then and there... that will end just end all that is kyle reese and john connor. last complaint is why do the terminators just throw people around. they obviously have the power to shove there arm rm or something but instead lets just chuck em around. the fight scenes over all was cool, good action and all.. but the story.. WTF

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