Where to begin... I guess from the beginning. For as long as I have been playing video games (20 some odd years) there has been some form of social competitive bracket where gamers fight for that top score at the arcade and compete for the title of being the best. That was back in the day, now lets fast forward 20 years or so and now there is actually a professional league for gamers, the Major League of Gaming (MLG). Yes, the face of competitive gaming has changed from the arcade leaderboard to a professional league, but enough of the history, lets talk about the social aspect.
Recently, like millions of others I have been hooked on the game Modern Warfare 2 which is the latest installment of the Call of Duty franchise, in case you don't know what it is.
So like any other game with a competitive scene a player will either be branded as a 'noob' or a 'pro'. There seems to be little to no middle ground. Now what qualifies someone to be a 'noob' or 'pro' seems to be currently dictated by the general community of gamers. Currently, the 'noob' qualifiers are using weapons that require little skill to use. For instance, in Modern Warfare 2, all assault rifles have attachments and one of them is a grenade launcher which has been so dubbed 'the noob tube'. This little guy fires a grenade and will kill anything within its kill radius. "Whats the big deal?" you might be thinking? Well the big deal to the gaming community is that this is too easy to kill someone. You don't need to really aim, just be able to judge the relative distance and POW goes a shell and BOOM there comes another frag. The attachment is balanced by only being able to have 2 rounds. After the two rounds are gone, you are forced to switch back to your rifle or if you have the scavenger perk on, which allows you to replenish your ammunition and equipment from dead enemies.
Another example, is the thermal scope attachment for all assault rifles and sniper rifles. This little gizmo gives you the same amount of magnification as a regular sniper scope but also turns the world to grey and white where enemies show up on the scope as a silhouette of white and all other inanimate objects are grey. This allows the player a great advantage where enemies are as clear as night and day. So no matter how much yout try to blend yourself in with the map or dark corner you plop yourself in, the thermal scope will pick you out. The only way around this is if you have the cold-blooded perk which basically blocks its effects. So you might be thinking 'Why doesn't everyone just use cold-blooded then?" Well, this funny little game did something weird where another perk called stopping power can be used to kill people faster. This perk is in the same category as the cold-blooded perk so to use one is not to use the other and players are extremely reluctant to give up more power to kill someone over not being spotted by the thermal scope.
The list can go on and on with guns/attachments that every player thinks is 'overpowered' and what not. For some players it seems like their ego is SO BIG that whenever they are killed, whatever set up the other user is using is considered 'noob'. It;s like they think they are so good that god forbid they will ever get killed because that's just not possible! *sarcasm* I first noticed this behavior from my 14 year old younger brother who screams 'WOW!' and 'ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" every time he gets killed and begins to swear whenever he's done in by a 'noob' weapon. Now I can agree that it gets annoying if every corner I turn theres a dude with a noob tube waiting for me or a sniper thermal scoping, but hey guess what. EVERYONE CAN USE IT! So therefore SO CAN YOU! I know I know, you don't want to lower yourself to that level but then you're just digging your own grave. Basically what I'm trying to get at is that these things are part of the game. Sure some are cheap but its not like it's limited to certain users. All users are allowed to use it so what's the point in whining when you can just do it back to them. One time my friends and I encountered this team where that the grenade launcher was all they used so I decided to fight fire with fire. I brought out my own grenade launcher and so did my friends. End result? We kicked the crap out of them.
In my personal opinion, the game is pretty well balanced for the most part. It's not a perfect game but it's good enough that there will never be that one thing that makes you a juggernaut and everyone else is screwed. If someone is noob tubing then snipe them or flank them. If someone is thermal scoping then they are stationary so flashbang them and advance forward. There is ALWAYS a solution and a way around it.
At this moment, I would like to promote KEN. No, not the blond guy from Street Fighter (so S-class) KEN was originally just a guy's clan tag in Modern Warfare 2 because his name is Ken, Ken Burton to be exact and who is a YouTube director where he makes random gameplay videos about various aspects of the game. He's not very good but he enjoys playing the game and always seems to have a great time. His positive attitude rubbed off the community so much that others started sporting the KEN tag, so now the KEN tag is known as "Keep Everything Nice". The KEN tag promotes good sportsmanship and overall fun gameplay. Don't you just hate it when you enter into a lobby where you got all these mofos yelling at each other? Who always seemed pissed off for one reason or another, and who screams into their mic at every little thing? It just makes me not want to play it. So all in all, Keep Everything Nice.
this is edwadokun
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