Tuesday, September 1, 2009

the day the earth stood still on blu-ray

recently i rented this movie from my work. i watched it over the weekend and you know what? this movie isn't half bad. it didn't get the greatest reviews and i can see why but i think the overall impending story was quite touching. if you haven't seen it already then don't read on. so the overall premise of the movie is that, this alien race came down to earth and is going to eradicate the human race because we're destroying the planet. i guess u can say they mean us no harm but of course the U.S. government in all its wisdom is just going to treat them hostile anyway and actually escalates the situation. the overall message of the story was pretty interesting and what not but so many things were so confusing or unnecessary. for instance in the beginning you see keanu reeves in the arctic somewhere and he first encounters the aliens. nothing really happens to him except that his hand gets a weird mark. fast forward to modern day and the aliens return. the aliens present themselves to the humans and what does one of these trigger happy morons do? shoots it.. they eventually reveal that the alien is using a human body they made themselves that evidently looks like keanu reeves. first thought is that keanu mustve been kidnapped right? no because the alien is only using the body and in the movie the doctor says the human body was probably made and it needed human DNA so the aliens were here once before which we know is true. but was it necessary to show keanu's encounter and mark signifying that he was the 'sample' these aliens took? nope. in fact you could've just left it at what the doctor said and it would've been all gravy. i spent 1/2 the movie thinking keanu was abducted and was sent back 80 some odd years later brainwashed. another part i didn't like was will smith's kid in the movie. the kid was a complete brat and made just want to smack him. which means he did a good job acting and gives a good performance but man that kid was just SO aggravating. in the end, the aliens decide not to kill the humans because they convince them humans can change when pushed to the threshold, which is exactly what the aliens did when they were face with the same dilemma of their own demise. after the movie ends, pretty much everything is left up in the air. we know that the human race lives on but do they change? do they relay the message to the rest of humanity that they need stop harming the planet? what happens to that secretary of defense when the main character gets to tell her 'told you so' and watch that smug face turn white? this movie couldve been so much more if they had just thought it through but now it is only an OK movie

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